
federation of aluminium consumers in europe


FACE was founded with five objectives in mind:

  • Achieving fair trade in raw aluminium and aluminium products across all EU markets.
  • Supporting the competitiveness of the EU’s downstream aluminium sector, characterized by a very large number of small and medium-sized companies.
  • Promoting aluminium and aluminium products as a superior choice for manufactures thanks to their significant economic, social, and environmental advantages.
  • Monitoring and evaluating new and emerging technologies for the production, semi-fabrication, trade, and use of aluminium.
  • Defending the interests of the downstream aluminium sector by actively working to ensure that optimal supply conditions for their raw materials are met.

Given the shrinking production of raw aluminium in the EU at the hand of structural factors and the development of the circular economy, FACE believes that a sound European industrial and trade policy has to place the interests of downstream companies at the core. Indeed, not only is the downstream sector responsible for 95% of all jobs in the aluminium sector, but it is the segment with the highest potential to grow.

But this potential is severely hamstrung by an inadequate tariff environment that has led to billions of euros in extra costs to SMEs looking to source primary aluminium.

As a result, FACE has advocated for the complete elimination of the EU’s import tariff structure on alloyed and not alloyed unwrought aluminium. FACE believes this state of affairs to be absurd: the EU has a growing deficit of primary aluminium that is currently above 74%.

Eliminating the 6% tariff structure is only one side of the coin: the second condition required to protect and increase the competitiveness of the downstream sector in the context of fierce and often unfair international competition is maintaining the 7,5% import tariff structure on semi-fabricated products.

With this goal in mind, FACE took the initiative at the turn of the millennium and embarked on an ambitious advocacy round - changing perceptions, establishing dialogues, educating decision makers, and presenting well-researched and convincing arguments on behalf of the industry as a whole.

FACE efforts fostered political and industrial debates which resulted in two meaningful - yet largely insufficient - measures taken by EU institutions :

  • a suspension at 3% of the tariff for not alloyed unwrought aluminium
  • a suspension at 4% for rolling slabs and extrusion billets in aluminium alloys

As a result, in the spring of 2019, FACE launched a new round of advocacy with the aim of completely liberalising the supply of unwrought aluminium and alloys into the European Union.

FACE strongly believes that bringing down to zero the import tariffs on unwrought aluminium is the only tool immediately available to policymakers to support the competitiveness of the EU downstream aluminium industry.

FACE stresses that three conditions need to be met to keep the EU aluminium industry competitive:

  • Eliminating import tariffs for unwrought metal (not alloyed and alloyed)
  • Protecting import tariffs on aluminium semis and foundry products
  • Creating new and substantial schemes of support for the structurally uncompetitive smelting base that must be preserved.

To learn more, be sure to check out the FACE Strategic Vision Statement


Mario Conserva, President-Director

Mario Conserva has been active in the aluminium sector since 1963. He has worked for the Italian National Research Council, the Italian Experimental Institute of Light Metals (ISML), Alumix, Alnor and Alfin-Ediment. Mario was also a member of the Executive Board of European Aluminium Association (EA), President of the EA’s Alubuild Market Group and Extruders Division.

He was equally President of the Italian Aluminium Association Centroal. 

In addition to his role as President and Director of FACE, Mario is the creator and President of the International Aluminium exhibition METEF, and the General Director of the international magazine A&L Alluminio e Leghe (Aluminium and its alloys).

He sits on the board of Assomet, Centroal, IGQ and Aital. He has authored over 800 articles and technical reports on aluminium, is the co-author of two manuals on aluminium and holds international patents relative to the treatment and working of aluminium.

For all his achievements, Mario was recently recognised by the International Aluminium Institute as one of the 50 people who have shaped the aluminium industry. You can read more here.

He can be reached at m.conserva (@)

Roger-Philippe Bertozzi, EU & WTO Affairs

Roger-Philippe Bertozzi has more than 25 years of experience in European Affairs and, as negotiator, in multilateral diplomacy; and participated in several initiatives of the United Nations system.

He has advised Arab Gulf States in negotiations of Free Trade Agreements, particularly with the European Union, and was the Delegate of the United Arab Emirates at the World Trade Organization. 

During his WTO mandate, Roger introduced raw materials into the Doha Round, coordinating this area of the negotiation between 2003 and 2010.

Very involved in the world of international conferences, Roger co-organised, inter alia, the first European research conference and exhibition, the first European summit on sovereign wealth funds and, with the United Nations, the first conference on the transition to the green economy of emerging powers.

Roger participated to the creation of the Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe ( FACE ) and is in charge of EU and multilateral affairs for the Organisation.

He actively took part in the negotiation, ratification and implementation process of the Paris Climate Agreement between 2015 and 2017 as advisor to the COP22 Presidency. Roger is also Vice-President of the EnergyPact Foundation.

He can be reached at r.bertozzi (@) 

Alberto Pomari, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director

Alberto Pomari has an extensive experience of many decades in the aluminium sector. He's been working in the field since 1982 and has evolved in companies, such as Pandolfo, Metra, Sepal, Imet and Allco Group.

Alberto is the author of over 350 articles and technical reports on aluminium and has been published in international specialized magazines. He is the Marketing Director for the international magazine A&L Alluminio e Leghe (Aluminium & Alloys), he advises Assomet (the Italian non-ferrous metals association) and chairs international conferences in places such as Italy, Germany and India.

He can be reached at a.pomari (@) 

Marco-Antonio Berti, European Affairs & Communication Manager

Marco-Antonio has been working for FACE since 2021. Previously, he was involved for 5 years in the in the European Civil Society Organisations (CSO) sector. During his time there, he held positions such as Public Relations Officer, Partnerships Manager, Treasurer and Secretary General. This experience helped him develop the skills necessary to craft advocacy campaigns, navigate the European political landscape, utilize contemporary media and evolve in the field of international organisations.

At FACE, he deals with outreach to EU institutions and oversees events and communications. He also helps in the association's daily tasks.

He can be reached at m-a.berti (@) 


FACE is the only European organisation solely dedicated to the interests of downstream aluminium users and consumers.

FACE action led to the partial suspension of the EU import tariff on unwrought aluminium, generating billions in savings to Europe’s aluminium consumers.

But the current tariff regime still forces consumers to pay as much as €120 more than they should for each tonne of aluminium bought (LUISS, 2019), putting them at a dangerous competitive disadvantage.

To make sure policymakers pay the attention that the downstream sector deserves, and understand the need to completely eliminate the tariff on imports of unwrought aluminium, we need your support.

Join FACE now!

If you are interested in becoming a member of FACE, or have any questions about our organisation, please get in touch with directly with the team or reach out to contact (@)

About the Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe - FACE

With a membership comprised of many of the top aluminium downstream stakeholders, the Brussels-based Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe (FACE) is the voice of Europe’s aluminium users and consumers. Its members used 780,000 tonnes of aluminium in 2018, 

Since its founding in May 1999 by independent European aluminium transformers, FACE has advocated for a level playing field for the continent’s downstream aluminium sector, and has promoted the versatile metal by showcasing its economic, social and environmental virtues.

FACE is listed in the EU Transparency Register: 663240848326-52


Our Members

  • Airoldi Metalli
  • AL.EA.
  • All Metal Services
  • Group
  • Alluminio & Leghe (Publitec)
  • Alluminio Sammarinese
  • Almec Tech
  • Altex
  • Aluminium Rheinfelden Group
  • Bodega
  • Bonetti Group
  • Breka
  • BWA (the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade)
  • Castellini
  • Chiari Bruno
  • CIFE Impianti
  • CO.M.P.ES.
  • Coroxal
  • Cromodora Wheels
  • Durox
  • Edimet Aluminium Consulting
  • Engitec
  • Foundry Ecocer
  • Gefond
  • High Tech Aluminium
  • Indinvest LT
  • Italtecno
  • Kubikenborg Aluminium AB (Kubal)
  • Micron
  • MM Automotive
  • Officine Clarensi
  • Paderno Estrusioni
  • Profilati
  • Studio Tecnico Giordano
  • T.T. Tomorrow Technology
  • Mario Conserva
  • Roger Bertozzi
  • Alberto Pomari
  • Eugenio Paroletti
  • Maurizio Sala


Observer members

  • Gulf Aluminium Council
  • Metalex
  • Novusmet
  • TT Consulting Inc
  • Integrated Extrusion (United Integration for Metal Extrusion and Coating)