
Monitoring the reactions to the Draghi report

Reactions to the Draghi report have been overwhelmingly positive. From star economist Thomas Piketty to EU think tanks, everyone praised its contents....

38th Fastmarkets International Aluminium Conference

38th Fastmarkets International Aluminium Conference   The 38th Fastmarkets International Aluminium Conference has officially come to a close, bri...

Asian competition is killing EU aluminium producers

Asian competition is killing EU aluminium producers FACE President Conserva: “Draghi is right, too many regulatory disparities”   EU rules ar...

La concorrenza asiatica sta uccidendo i produttori di alluminio UE

La concorrenza asiatica sta uccidendo i produttori di alluminio UE Il Presidente FACE Conserva: “Draghi ha ragione, troppa disparità normativa” &...

Draghi Report | Conserva (FACE): SMEs should be at the heart of European strategy

Draghi Report – Conserva (FACE): SMEs should be at the heart of European strategy “Strong coordination and investments needed to tackle fu...

Rapporto Draghi | Conserva (FACE): PMI siano al centro della strategia europea

Rapporto Draghi – Conserva (FACE): PMI siano al centro della strategia europea “Serve forte coordinamento e investimenti per affrontare sf...

Aluminium and critical raw materials

Aluminium and critical raw materials The recent debate in the Italian Chamber of Deputies on critical raw materials of strategic interest is a compuls...

Alluminio e materie prime critiche

Alluminio e materie prime critiche   In Italia, la recente discussione alla Camera dei deputati sulle materie prime critiche di interesse strateg...

Industry, Conserva (FACE): “Tariffs, climate and energy. Defending aluminium in Europe”

Industry, Conserva (FACE): “Tariffs, climate and energy. Defending aluminium in Europe”   Europe has to import about 8 million tonnes...

Etem Bulgaria To Be Separated Into Two Companies and Receive New Investment

  The Belgian manufacturer of aluminium profiles Viohalco – the owner of Etem Bulgaria – decided to separate its Bulgarian business into two ...