38th Fastmarkets International Aluminium Conference The 38th Fastmarkets International Aluminium Conference has officially come to a close, bri...
Asian competition is killing EU aluminium producers FACE President Conserva: “Draghi is right, too many regulatory disparities” EU rules ar...
La concorrenza asiatica sta uccidendo i produttori di alluminio UE Il Presidente FACE Conserva: “Draghi ha ragione, troppa disparità normativa” &...
Draghi Report – Conserva (FACE): SMEs should be at the heart of European strategy “Strong coordination and investments needed to tackle fu...
Rapporto Draghi – Conserva (FACE): PMI siano al centro della strategia europea “Serve forte coordinamento e investimenti per affrontare sf...
Aluminium and critical raw materials The recent debate in the Italian Chamber of Deputies on critical raw materials of strategic interest is a compuls...
Alluminio e materie prime critiche In Italia, la recente discussione alla Camera dei deputati sulle materie prime critiche di interesse strateg...
Industry, Conserva (FACE): “Tariffs, climate and energy. Defending aluminium in Europe” Europe has to import about 8 million tonnes...