
Effects Of Sanctions: Face’s Urgent Call To Eu Authorities

FACE, The Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe, issued a statement to draw the attention of European Institutions on the consequences of Americ...

European Union Will Get Quotas And No Extension to Trump Aluminium Tariffs Per White House Adviser

A Trump administration advisor assured the world that the European Union would be subject to quotas should it wish to remain exempt from the United St...

European Commission Launches Safeguard Investigation Into Imported Steel

On March 26th, the European Commission initiated a safeguard investigation into the importation of certain steel imports in response to the recent ena...

European Commission Formally Questions United Kingdom’s Tax Treatment of LME Trades

The United Kingdom Treasury advised yesterday that the European Commission is investigating whether the British government is assessing a sufficient l...

Sider Alloys Buys Former Alcoa Aluminium Smelting Operation at Portovesme 

A buyer has come forward for the Portovesme smelter, the plant formerly owned by Alcoa and now in the hands of the Italian government. According to re...