
Pressemitteilung: Aluminiumverarbeitende Industrie muss als strategische Branche erkannt werden

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FACE mourns the death of Giuliano Gnutti

The international aluminium community mourns the death of Giuliano Gnutti, a great and courageous Italian entrepreneur at the head of the Eural of Rov...

Communiqué de Presse: FACE appelle le gouvernement italien à reconnaître la filière aluminium comme essentielle pour le système de production

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Press Release: FACE to Italian Government, Aluminum must be recognized as strategic for the production system

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Comunicato Stampa: FACE a Governo, alluminio sia riconosciuto strategico per sistema produttivo

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FACE General Secretary’s message for the #AluminiumDay

Mario Conserva, General Secretary of FACE, has focused his message on the Green Deal during the Aluminium Day event (13th March, 2020). You can find t...

Public Health Emergency. FACE: “Abolish the import duty on unwrought aluminum in the EU”

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Emergenza sanitaria. FACE: “Eliminare il dazio all’importazione di alluminio grezzo nell’Ue”

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Interview of Mario Conserva at Askanews – “The EU duties on imports of unwrought aluminum are an obstacle for the survival of the whole European industry”

Mario Conserva, Secretary General of FACE, discusses on the duties and their economic impact on the European aluminum industry during an interview wit...

SUEZ Group opens a new facility capable of producing 85% secondary aluminium from IBA

FACE welcomes SUEZ Group breakthrough metal recycling technology at its Valomet factory (Ghent, Belgium) that opens a new horizon for circular economy...