Press release: Energy – Conserva (FACE), historic EU decision to include civil nuclear power in Net-Zero Industry Act

Press release


22 November 2023. “FACE welcomes the historic vote of the European Parliament including civil nuclear energy among the 17 technologies of the EU’s Net-Zero Industry Act”, says Dr Mario Conserva, Secretary General of the Association, who adds: “The 456 parliamentarians who backed the text reflect the societal revolution of the so-called Nuclear Renaissance”.

This vote is of fundamental importance for the aluminium industry, which plays a central role in the green transition, but, as an energy-intensive sector, must maintain social acceptance and customers preference through the most ambitious net-zero targets and implementation roadmaps. FACE salutes the resolute work of France and of the 15 other EU countries members of the Nuclear Alliance in favour of a diversified energy mix and of its accelerated transformation towards a net-zero future, which will strengthen our sustainable competitiveness and our economic sovereignty.

This is of paramount importance as electricity is the blood of our economic system and cleaner and cheaper energy is central to the survival and innovative drive of our SMEs.

Ambassador Dieter Haller, chairman of FACE’s advisory Council, stresses that “SMEs are the backbone of our socioeconomic cohesion and power. There is no geopolitical power without a robust industrial base. If Europe wants to remain a values-based and normative global sustainable power, it needs to give absolute priority to affordable energy, low carbon manufacturing and competitiveness.”

For FACE it is indispensable to accompany this EU net-zero industrial roadmap with administrative and regulatory simplification and with a more agile access to finance – all this with SMEs at the top of political attention and action.


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