
federation of aluminium consumers in europe

FACE welcomes BWA’s policy paper on how European SMEs suffer the most from the unintended consequences of sanctions, specifically on critical raw materials such as aluminium

FACE welcomes BWA’s policy paper on how European SMEs suffer the most from the unintended consequences of sanctions, specifically on critical raw materials such as aluminium


FACE (the Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe) welcomes the publication of a comprehensive report by the German Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade (BWA), authored by Prof. Dr. Daniel Horgos of the Berlin School of Management in collaboration with BWA’s Raw Materials Commission. This important study sheds light on the far-reaching negative impacts of sanctions on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly within the aluminium sector.

The study argues that proposed sanctions on Russian aluminium are especially self-defeating and do not necessarily contribute to achieving policy goals, because the aluminium sector amounts to less than 1% of Russia’s GDP.


Download the report EN


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